v0.4.0 Devlog

Hey in this new devlog, I'll only be talking about what's new in this update.

• First, we fixed the double jumps, where sometimes, you can jump any times you wanted.
• We also redesign the main menu and now, it fit for all the resolution at the same size, (1080P, 4K, etc).
• The shop was added! You can buy power ups and cosmetics later on, but now, we only did the one power up. The key for the shop is "F".
• The stopwatch is the only power up we did at the moment, lot will arrive soon. With the stopwatch, you can slow the time and do incredible things, like fly. The stopwatch can be found in the shop.
• What is a shop without coins? We don't know either, so we added a coin in the map. If you take the coin with your body, it will count as 2, but if you shoot it, only 1 coin will be added to your purse.
• You know the SFX slider volume? Yeah, we fixed it and now it work well. Volume value was also added.

That's all for this update! We hope you'll love it. Be sure to post bugs and review your impressions so we can improve the game.


cubyshooty-win.zip 22 MB
Version 0.4.0 Apr 16, 2021

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